Defining Sustainability

Sustainability is the norm

The new real estate standard requires us to lift the element of sustainability to the highest level and not be satisfied with the minimal requirements. We must be prepared to radically change our strategy, take control, and define a new standard. With the Ballast Nedam Development Resolution, we push the norm and challenge our partners. Such challenges can be related to energy-neutral construction methods, expanding the lifespan, investing in the sharing economy, and to tapping into options for nature-inclusive, climate-adaptive, and circular building.


Naturally, we uphold this same standard. We welcome innovative thinkers – people and organizations that want to make a difference. But we also welcome the doubters and critics, people who still have questions, with whom we gladly start a dialogue as we are proud to demonstrate how we realize and measure our goals. We ask everyone who believes that “soft criteria can't be measured in hard figures” to come and talk with us. Because we are determined to make the world a greener, healthier and happier place.


Driven by a moral compass, we also don't wait for measures being laid down from above. We take up the gauntlet and become the driving force to a circular economy. The Ballast Nedam Development Resolution – which goes far beyond the general Building Decree – makes goals measurable.