Tuinbuurt Vrijlandt


Tuinbuurt Vrijlandt Rotterdam

Tuinbuurt Vrijlandt is set to become an energy-neutral urban neighborhood located on the beautiful Ogiersingel and Jan Vrijlandt singel in Rotterdam South. It's a sustainable neighborhood where people from diverse backgrounds live and come together. In total, 290 rental and owner-occupied homes with high-quality architecture and appearance will be realized.

  • 290 huur- en koopwoningen
  • 4 sterren DGBC woonmerk
The plan primarily consists of ground-bound homes and features a rich variety of housing typologies, including attached and detached homes. Additionally, 50 (senior) apartments will be constructed, along with 50 ground-bound homes designated for Havensteder's social housing portfolio.

All homes will be situated in a tranquil oasis with water and greenery, where walking and cycling are the main modes of transportation.

The streets are designed with a focus on slow traffic. Car parking mainly occurs in parking courtyards between the building blocks, out of sight. This not only creates a child-friendly environment but also preserves the character of the original garden village. Tuinbuurt Vrijlandt will receive a minimum of 4 stars from the DGBC Woonmerk, demonstrating the creation of a sustainable neighborhood.
De straten zijn ontworpen met oog op het langzaam verkeer. Parkeren van de auto gebeurt voornamelijk in parkeerhofjes tussen de bouwblokken, uit het zicht. Dit leidt ertoe dat er niet alleen een kindvriendelijke omgeving wordt gecreƫerd, ook blijft het karakter van de originele tuindorp behouden. Tuinbuurt Vrijlandt krijgt minimaal 4 sterren van het DGBC Woonmerk waarmee aantoonbaar een duurzame wijk wordt gerealiseerd.

News over Tuinbuurt Vrijlandt

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